Open composers competition named after Andrey Petrov
XIII Composers competition
named after Andrey Petrov
Nominations «Song and Pop Romance»

In 2019, 323 songs and romances were sent to the contest. Applications came from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Simferopol, Krasnodar, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Ufa, Orenburg, Voronezh, Sochi and many other cities and regions of Russia. And also from Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, the USA and Latvia. From 323 works listened by Jury members 40 songs and romances were allowed to the 2nd round. On September 27, 2019 in the St. Petersburg Musical Comedy Theater was the final round of the competition. In the concert participated next soloists: Anna MALYSHEVA – finalist of the Russian TV project «Main Stage», the twice winner of the National Theater award «Golden Mask» Manana GOGITIDZE, musical artists: Anton AVDEEV, Igor KROL, Alexander SUKHANOV, as well as Daria ZAKHARO, Natalya GORELOVA and others. The concert was accompanied by the «CONTINUO» chamber orchestra conducted by Vladimir KIRASIROV. 

Winners of the XIII composers competition
named after Andrey Petrov:

1st Prize and Audience Award
Olga VEDENKINA (Nizhny Novgorod)
song «Soul» 

2nd prize
Andrey KISILYOV (St. Petersburg)
song «We only love once in life» 

3rd Prize
Dmitry KOVZEL (St. Petersburg)
song «I Will Not Return» 

Dmitry LAZAREV (Nizhny Novgorod)
Vyacheslav OSMININ (Moscow)
Juliana DONSKAYA (Moscow region)
Vladislav NASTAVSHEV (Riga, Latvia) 

Jury members:

Alexander ZATSEPIN - chairman of the jury, composer
Sergey BANEVICH - composer 
Vadim BIBERGAN - composer 
Alexander BOGACHEV - pianist, arranger, winner of the Grand Prix of the Music Competition named after Kabalevsky 
Stanislav VAZHOV - composer, laureate of the National Theater Award «Golden Mask» 
Tamara GOVERDTSITELI - singer, actress, composer 
Marina LANDA - composer, TV and radio host 
Maxim LEONIDOV - singer, composer, actor 
Konstantin UCHITEL - Doctor of Art History, Lecturer at the Russian Institute of Performing Arts 

Andrey Petrov Foundation 

Supported by:
St. Petersburg Committee for Culture  
Presidential Grants Fund 

Olga VEDENKINA. «Soul», lyrics by music author, vocalists Svetlana BERG and Yana SHELPAKOVA
Andrey KISILYOV. «We love only once in life», lyrics by unknown author, vocal Manana GOGITIDZE
Dmitry KOVZEL. «I Will Not Return», lyrics by I. Kovzel, vocal Anna Malysheva
Dmitry LAZAREV. «Meet the music», lyrics by K. Savinova, vocal Anton AVDEEV
Vyacheslav OSMININ. «Ballad», lyrics by D. Razumovskoy, vocal Nadezhda GORELOVA
Juliana DONSKAYA. Phantom Dance, lyrics by music author, vocal Daria ZAKHARO
Vladislav NASTAVSHEV. «I was waiting you all day», lyrics by A. Tarkovsky, vocal Denis AYDARBAKOV