Open composers competition named after Andrey Petrov
  • Regulation
Official regulations
XVIII Open composers’ competition named after Andrey Petrov

Download the regulation (PDF)

1. About the Competition

The Eighteenth Open composers competition named after Andrey Petrov (hereinafter – the Competition) is announced in two nominations - «Symphonic Music» and «The shore of hope». The Competition takes place from March (competition announcement) till September (the final round of the Competition). The main purpose of the Competition: the discovery of new composer names. Organizer of the Competition: Foundation for the preservation and development of the creative heritage of composer Andrey Petrov.

2. Objectives of the Competition:
• support of serious academic art;
• encouraging authors to create new works in the genres of symphonic music;
• strengthening the positive image of St. Petersburg as the cultural capital of Russia;
• support for young composers;
• increasing the youth audience among the listeners of academic symphonic music;
• exchange of professional experience;
• bringing the best works to a wide range of listeners.

3. Participation conditions in the Competition:

3.1. The Composers' competition is open for everyone, regardless of their education and place of residence.

3.2. Age restrictions:
- nomination for young composers «The Shore of hope» - up to 25 years old *
- nomination «Symphonic music» - without restrictions

* The age of the participants is determined on the day of the deadline for accepting applications for the Competition (June 15th, 2024).

3.3. Participation in the Competition is FREE of charge.

3.4. The official language of the Competition is Russian. Additional language - English. 

3.5. Applications of participants (biographical and other information) submitted for the Competition must be written in Russian. Participants from other countries can submit information in English.

3.6. All participants of the Composers Competition submit their compositions anonymously, 

under the motto. The motto should not exceed 10 printed characters.

3.7. Participants who provide sheets of music and (or) an audio recording (video recording) of a composition with identification marks, names or other personal information will not be allowed to participate.

3.8. One participant can submit only one composition to the Competition.

3.9. Works created in various genres and forms of symphonic music such as symphony, sinfonietta, symphonic fantasy, suite, poem, rhapsody, concert, etc. are allowed to participate in the Competition.

3.10. The orchestra:

- nomination «Symphonic music» - symphonic orchestra (maximum – triple):
Flauto piccolo, 2 Flauti, 2 Oboi, Corno inglese, 2 Clarinetti, Clarinetto basso, 2 Fagotti, Contrfagotto, 4 Corni, 3 Trombe, 3 Tromboni, Tuba, 2 Arpe, Piano, Archi.
5 performers in total for: Campanelli, Silofono, Marimbafono, Timpani, Tamburo, Tamburino, Tamburi di legno, Piatti. Bonghi, Guiro, Tam-tam, Tom-toms, Triangolo, Сassa, e altri.

Additional instruments are allowed in previous agreement with the Competition Directorate.
One soloist (voice or instrument) is allowed.

- nomination «The Shore of hope» - chamber string orchestra: 
Violini I - not less than 6 per., Violini II – not less than 4 per., Viole – not less than 4 per., Violoncelli – not less than 4 per., Contrabassi - not less than 2 per. (*per. = persons)
One soloist (voice or instrument) is allowed.

3.11. The total duration of the composition:

- nomination «Symphonic music» - from 10 to 15 minutes

- nomination «The Shore of hope» - from 7 to 10 minutes 

3.12. The presented work can be cyclic or single-part.

3.13. Compositions that have previously won prizes and/or other awards are not allowed to participate in the Competition. 

3.14. Jury members and members of the counting commission cannot participate in the Competition.

3.15. The composition submitted by the participant must not be published, publicly performed and/or recorded on replicated media, as well as broadcasted earlier than February 2022, that is, before the period of the previous competition*.

* «Public performance of works» means the presentation of a published work in a live performance or with the help of technical means (radio, television and other technical means) in a place open to the public, or in a place, where there is a significant number of persons who do not belong to the usual family circle, regardless of whether the work is perceived at the place of its presentation or in another place at the same time as the presentation of the work, and the term «published work» means a work that has become available to the public with the consent of the author by its publication, public display, public performance, broadcast or by cable or otherwise.

3.16. Materials sent by Competition participants will not be sent back.

3.17. Submitting an application to participate in the Competition is evidence of the participant’s agreement with all terms of the Regulations of the Competition.

4. Organizational structure of the Competition

The competition directorate – provides organizational and informational support for the events of the Competition, ensures the anonymity of participants during the competition rounds.
The jury – evaluates and selects materials sent by the Competition participants, determines the best works. The criteria for evaluating the compositions are brightness, individuality and professionalism.
The Counting Commission – to count the results and sum up the results of the Competition, the Directorate forms a Counting Commission. The counting commission processes the protocols and evaluation sheets of the jury members, displays the average score for all indicators and enters them into the final evaluation sheet. The counting commission consists of two people.

5. The schedule of the Competition

5.1. Acceptance of applications for the Competition: from March 01st till June 15th, 2024

5.2. The first round of the Competition (held in absentia): from 01st till 14th of July 2024.
Announcement of the results of the first round of the Competition - no later than July 18th, 2024.
As a result, the jury selects no more than 50% of the submitted applications for participation in the second round in each of nominations.

5.3. The second round of the Competition (held in absentia): from July 22nd till August 04th 2024.
Announcement of the results of the second round of the Competition - no later than August 12th, 2024.
According to the results of the voting, the jury determines not less than 4 finalists in each of the nominations.

5.4. The third round of the Competition (final).

Third round takes place during two days in the form of a public concert - performance of the selected compositions in their live version.

Nomination «Symphonic music» – September 20th 2024.
Nomination «The Shore of hope» – September 21st 2024.

6. The final round. 

6.1. Nomination «Symphonic music»:

Venue: The Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic named after Dmitry Shostakovich.
Date: September 20th, 2024.
• The finalists of the Competition will be invited to St. Petersburg in September 2024 to participate in the rehearsal process and the final round of the Competition. 
• If the contestant cannot be present in person at the rehearsal of his work, the right of artistic interpretation of his work remains with the conductor. 

6.2. The nomination «The Shore of hope»:
Venue: Small Hall of the Philharmonic named after Mikhail Glinka
Date: September 21st, 2024.
• The finalists of the Competition will be invited to St. Petersburg in September 2024 to participate in the rehearsal process and the final round of the Competition. 
• If the contestant cannot be present in person at the rehearsal of his work, the right of artistic interpretation of his work remains with the conductor.

7. The organizers of the Competition cover the following expenses:
Travel costs: airplane tickets or railway tickets in economy class, the maximum allowable amount of travel costs in both directions is 20,000 rubles., in case the cost of the specified amount of travel tickets is exceeded, the finalist pays the difference independently. Tickets can only be ordered through the official contractor of the Organizer of the Competition.
Hotel and meals costs are NOT covered by the competition and must be organized by and on expense of each contestant own self.

8. Awards and prizes
• The winners of the Competition are awarded with the titles of laureate or diploma holders.
• All finalists of the Competition receive special diplomas.
• A professional video and audio recording of the final concert is hold during the final round and will be provided to the contestants free of charge.

Prize fund of the competition:
Nomination «Symphonic music» – one prize and the title of laureate – 150 000 rubles*
Nomination «The Shore of hope» – one prize and the title of laureate – 100 000 rubles*

* All monetary prizes will be paid only in the national currency of the Russian Federation (rubles) to an account in any credit organization (bank) licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and are taxed in accordance with Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The payment period is until the end of the financial year (until December 31, 2024).

9. The jury

• Famous composers, performers and conductors are invited to take part as a jury member.
• The jury voting process is held in closed and individual way. The jury evaluates the competition works and determines the winners of the Competition by voting. The final score is determined by summing up the votes provided by the jury members.
• The jury's decisions are final and are not subject to revision. 
• The jury has the right to:
- award not all places;
- divide places between contestants;
- to award special diplomas and prizes.
• The chairman of the jury - in case of equality of votes has the right of decisive vote.

10. Ways of information distribution about competition for participants.

Information about the applications received by the Competition organizers will be published on the official website of the Competition - at least once a week. Information about the first, second, third rounds and the winners of the Competition will also be posted on the official website.

11. Rules for submitting applications for the Competition:
• applications from composers are accepted from March 01st till June 15th 2024 ONLY in the online format in accordance with the nomination;
• acceptance of online applications from applicants is carried out only on the official website of the Competition;

The application must include:

1) a file with the score of his work in PDF format, marked with the motto (the motto should not exceed 10 printed characters);
2) a file with a demo recording of the composition (mp3 or wav format) under the same motto (providing a recording is desirable, but not mandatory);
3) completed online application form on the official website of the Competition.

12. Copyrights

The Competition laureates grant the Organizer a non-exclusive right to their competition works under a non-exclusive license throughout the world for 5 years, including the reproduction of their works on media, distribution of reproduced copies, as well as the transfer of this right to Sublicensees.
By submitting an application for the Competition, the participant thereby transfers non-exclusive property rights to the organizer of the Competition:
• to perform, broadcast and record his composition at public performance and a gala concert of Competition (final) without payment of fees (royalties);
• to publish his essay on the official Internet resources of the Competition and the Andrey Petrov Foundation (including the official web pages and communities in the social networks) without payment of fees (royalties);
• to print a composition on paper for the work of the jury members, without paying fees (royalties).

13. The contact information

In case of questions about the Competition Regulations or other organizational issues, the applicant can contact by e-mail 
Within five working days from the date of receipt of the request, the Competition Directorate sends a response to the email address specified in the request.

Official site of the Competition:
Official site of the Foundation: